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Mexican Lager: A History of Colonialism, Adaption, Appropriation and Ascendence

What springs to mind when you think of a Mexican lager? Sinking your toes into gorgeous smooth white sand as you recline on a beach in Cancun or Puerto Vallarta with a Dos Equis or Pacifico? Stuffing a lime down the neck of a Corona or Sol in a student bar? Or sipping a Modelo or Victoria over plates of sizzling fajitas? In the UK, Mexican lagers might lack the enormous popularity and ubiquity they enjoy Stateside but it’s likely that most beer drinkers will have encountered them sufficiently to have their own idea of what to expect when ordering one.

Illustrations by Christine Jopling

Ruvani de Silva

A travel-loving beer writer, with a host of bylines, Ruvani blogs about beer in Central Texas and beyond, as Craft Beer Amethyst. A vocal advocate for diversity, equity and inclusion in beer. As a British South Asian woman living in Texas, Ruvani brings a unique voice to the world of craft beer.

  • Around the world…
  • What is Mexican Lager?
  • A Brief History of Brewing in Mexico part one: The Myth of the Austrian Archduke
  • A Brief History of Brewing in Mexico part two: Building the Brewing Behemoths
  • Craft Mexican Lager
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